Wednesday, February 28, 2007

a new day...

Last week my good friend Emily came to visit. We had so much fun and it was great great great to see see see someone I've known for longer than 5 months. We did a fair amount of laughing and listening to our mutual favorite musical artists... We also did more touristy things. (if they can be called that--we only saw one other dude who looked like a tourist our whole time here)

It was good to see things in a new fresh light through her eyes.

She has put many good pictures on her blog. look to the right, click on "Em" (my internet is
s l o w--so go there to see what we did)

Life here is marching on. I am looking forward to next week when we go to Nepal for our MCC retreat. A few of us will stay there a bit longer and do some hiking in the himalayas as well. (not to brag or anything)

now on to the mission for my 3pm and 4pm classes. I think we are going to work on active and passive verbs. ya-hoo. How does one make that exciting?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Fog and Mission

Bangladesh's winter produces beautiful early morning fog. This is looking out of Reba's flat.
One of the main rooms at the Mission. This is where I eat all my meals with the sisters...


Toby and I before the baking began. Who knows what we are talking about. Reba was stalking us with the camera again. I was being a good bengali sister, offering tea and buscuits to Reba and Toby.

the cookies are done, but convincing them to EAT them was another thing altogether. You must offer things at least 3 times in this culture, before they will take it! :)


My diligent students reading the ENGLISH paper while waiting for the cookies to come out of the oven

Yesterday was a good day. Much time was spent baking cookies at the Mission. Reba and Toby helped out and took some great pictures.... We made sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles. A new experience for the students and they appeared to have a great time.

Planning, Planning, what Planning ?!!?

As most of you know, I prefer to take life as it comes and not over plan things. I do realize in some instances a bit of planning is necessary and with the right tools, i am capable, if not thrilled to use a calendar and the like. In Bangladesh, having a laid back personality goes a long way, but sometimes I still try my hand at planning, then realize a million reasons why it just makes no sense.

Case Study

Today: A friend from Dhaka was visiting, and it is my day off. I made plans to travel at 5pm by train to Dhaka tonight, so tomorrow I could meet some MCC guests at the airport tomorrow night.
-10am: I send someone to get the train tickets.

11am--He comes back. No trains today. I thought they ran like clockwork everyday at the same times. I say no problem I will just take the bus tonight.

11:09am--I talk with Nasima, a co worker. She tells me that there is a large Muslim gathering today and that I should not travel by bus tonight, because traffic will be very backed up getting into Dhaka. Okay, no problem, I will just take a bus tomorrow morning.

11:26-I tell my friend he is on his own with getting back to dhaka because I do not know when I will leave.

**Later on today some sisters and the aspirant sisters (my 16 year old students) were planning on dropping by the MCC office to see a presentation given by Reba, about MCC's Job Creation/ Handicraft program. We tell the office bearer to make enough tea for 16 people for this afternoon.

12:25--I take rickshaw back to Batikashor which is the name of the place where I stay (the Mission). I walk in after embarrassingly thinking the gate is locked and knock loudly a bunch of times disturbing the convent peace. I walk in, see Sr. Florence and ask her if she is planning on stopping by the office around 2. She has a sad look on her face. She told me that one of the Holy Cross Fathers has died suddenly in his sleep of a stroke, so they will not be coming this afternoon.

12:34-I hear that there will be Mass at 2pm, to grieve the loss and be together. I plan on attending.

1pm-I rush upstairs to my room, quickly do all my laundry because I am leaving for Dhaka tomorrow and want them to have some sun/afternoon drying time today so they will be ready for tomorrow.

1:30--I tell Reba not to plan on everyone for this afternoon, given the circumstances.

1:56-I am leaving my room and see Sr. Miriam, and ask her if she is going to Mass, and can I walk over to the church with her. She's going and we walk about 3 feet.

1:57-Sr. Shaki says that people coming from the late Priest's village have just left and will not be arriving for a few hours, thus postponing our 2pm Mass.

2:07--after much conversation about where I am going from all the sisters, I decide to go to the office b/c I left my lesson plans there, thinking I was coming back this afternoon.

2:30-On the phone with Ethel, making plans for our MCC guests. We talk through most details over the course of 4 phone calls. We have a place to stay (at a mission in SE Bangladesh). ah, good.

2:34-I call Darren for emotional support from all this planning.

3pm-Now that I am over on this side of town and I do not know the time of Mass, it looks doubtful that I will go.

3:09-Ethel calls again. Our lodging won't work out as planned. Will a hotel work?

3:30-I call Ethel, sure that sounds fine. We are discussing how I will pick up the guests (by taxi0 when she suddenly remembers that HER plans for tomorrow got cancelled, and since she lives in Dhaka, SHE can pick up the MCC guests (who by the way are fellow SALTers, coming to check out MCCB) and I can teach both of my classes tomorrow. (but I only PLANNED for one, of course.)

3:46: I definately will not get back to the Mission in time.

Now it's nearly 5pm....I will be going to the Health Gym instead of Dhaka, apparently. but really.....who knows.