Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Good One

"You are so young. You have so many beginnings. I beg of you, dear
friend, as well as I can, to have patience with all that is unsolved
in your heart. Love the questions themselves like locked rooms, like
books written in a very foreign tongue. Do not ask for the answers
now, for they cannot be given to you: You could not live them. And
the point is to LIVE EVERYTHING. Live the questions now. And perhaps
one day, gradually, without even noticing it, you will live along some
distant day into the answers"

Ranier Marie Rilke


Anonymous said...

I'm curious to hear about Muhammad Yunus' Nobel Peace Prize win from your perspective. Have you encountered anyone who has benefitted from the microloan system?


swtpmarie said...

beautiful Cic...beautiful.

Rebecca said...

Aha, that's where the title is from.

I hope all is well!


Anonymous said...

What a great quote. I'm putting it on my wall.