Monday, December 04, 2006

give 'em what they want

So, you all seem to like pictures, and I have here ya go.
Last week I visited Noluakuri, a small town/village between Mymensingh and Dhaka with Sister Francis to visit another convent there. This is one of their vegetable gardens. All the gardens are so beautiful and well kept.
Ah, trees.

Reba and I were taking Rickshaw and came upon this AIDS day procession. (on dec. 2nd, and as Reba said, "leave it to Bangladesh to be a day late to celebrate World AIDS day) We DID see other processions on the actual day too...with a horse drawn carriage, special hats. The women wore T-Shirts over their Salwar Kameezes.
Left, more procession. Soon after I took this picture we decided to walk, the traffic (as you can see) was so bad.

Reba, Toby at the American Club. Notice the Christmas tree in the background. That was my first Christmas tree sighting. At the American Club I have culture shock. But in a good way.
Reba, Toby, me. We watched a couple episodes of "Family Guy"....super funny. Notice our awesome shawls. Also notice that I am nearly drowning in mine, but I love it.

Mosiac from Sundergarden
My students and I being ridiculous

(I'm currently listening to Alicia Keys, drinking cha, using the computer; this is the most like my former life that I have come in a while, minus the cha and add strong, freshly ground and brewed coffee; not that I miss it or anything)


Anonymous said...

It sure looks like you are having a good time with your students and colleagues. And, the photos of the gardens/bit of landscape are great---more, more! I can feel the warmth of the tropical air, though not as warm as before; it's still a long shot from Michigan: Cold here!!! And more snow last night! We're into the long haul til April...wanna' take a furlough and come for a visit?
Dad and Margie

swtpmarie said...

Yeah for pictures...I'm glad you are able to have your little moments of sanity and cha. I wish for you a cup of coffee and bowl of yogurt with as many beans as you can handle! Maybe not all in the same bowl...but you get the general idea. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, your readership loves pix posted by your Cicelyship. :) All posts are great, though, so we can have glimpses of your exotic Bangladeshi life. It seems like you are really seeing a lot of Bangladesh, taking lots of trips and visiting different places. Your shawl is cool! Your hair is pretty too--it's getting long. The mosaic is so beautiful. Yay for dark chocolate (previous post), and yay for cha and computer time.

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me, Amy. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures, thanks for taking the time to share. :) I miss you lots!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures - it is so fun to see where you are and see what you see! We miss you!
Love, Aunt Pam

Paul Vliem said...

Hey Cic,
Its awesome to see your pics. They are excellent and so big so we can really see the detail. Thanks for them and for your dedicated journaling that allows all of us to get a sample of your awesome experiences. Take care :)
Your non-blogging friend,

Anonymous said...

Hello Cic, Beth has shared your blogspot with us so we can see and hear about you. You are such a good writer, we can almost feel like we "see" what you see. I hope you continue to do well! Much love, Ken and Shirley