Sunday, January 21, 2007


Cultural dance. My students are going to teach me one... i am a liiiiittle nervous.
right outside my room. aloe vera plants that sister lourdes mary takes good care of. if i ever get burned i know where to go.

My room. very organized. in my own system, of course.
this is where I do my laundry. by hand.

i taught my students how to make bananna bread yesterday. they loved it. i think we will be baking every week from now on. they have never used an oven before, so it was really fun to show them how. (they are used to clay ovens w/ fire underneath)
baking. Sister Florence peels the bannanas.
L to R: Bashobi, Joba, Nandita, chandra, Nonjury, Amrita and Ruby. (sister florence, obviously)

sifting the rice. the rice is dried in the sun, and so lots of stones get in. This young woman lives at the mission--she is mute and deaf. The Sisters have taken her in so she has a job working in the kitchen and is not on the streets, begging. She always has a smile and we exchange non verbal greetings a few times a day. she's great.
view from one of the verandas outside my room. Laundry drying everywhere.

a collective birthday party.
my other veranda, right outside my room. this chair is especially good for guitar playing and newspaper reading. It overlooks 2 large gardens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos!!!
Thanks, C!!!