Wednesday, February 28, 2007

a new day...

Last week my good friend Emily came to visit. We had so much fun and it was great great great to see see see someone I've known for longer than 5 months. We did a fair amount of laughing and listening to our mutual favorite musical artists... We also did more touristy things. (if they can be called that--we only saw one other dude who looked like a tourist our whole time here)

It was good to see things in a new fresh light through her eyes.

She has put many good pictures on her blog. look to the right, click on "Em" (my internet is
s l o w--so go there to see what we did)

Life here is marching on. I am looking forward to next week when we go to Nepal for our MCC retreat. A few of us will stay there a bit longer and do some hiking in the himalayas as well. (not to brag or anything)

now on to the mission for my 3pm and 4pm classes. I think we are going to work on active and passive verbs. ya-hoo. How does one make that exciting?


swtpmarie said...

So I went to Emily's site...your hair is so blonde! I'm glad you got to reconnect with your BHT you need to come visit CO when you get back. Or just move here. :) Miss you!

Rebecca said...

One doesn't make passive verbs exciting - they are made exciting.

I'm glad you had a good visit from Emily! I'm totally jealous of her!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

When you go to Nepal are you going to climb Mount Everest or K2? If you do either one, take your cell phone and call from the summit, ok?