Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Unexpected kindness

Yesterday, I hung out with my friend Isaac in Dhaka, running errands, attempting to find contact solution, and visitng my Sister friends at their Mission. We ended up at Coffee World, a place where you can get real coffee and read books in English and hang out. There are not many places like this, so whenever I go to Dhaka, I make a point of spending time there. Anyways, I asked a man, about my age sitting across the way what sort of sandwich he ordered. He told me what it was and then I ordered it. He and his friends were chatting and laughing. After a while they left and Isaac and I continued to hang out there. Finally we asked for our bill. The waiter said, "your friend 'mam." I said, "what? my friend ? " he said, "as you wish, 'mam"... I said, "as I wish what?" he said, "you do not need to see your bill" I asked why. He said, "as you wish 'mam" I didn't know what I was wishing, so I asked to see the bill. The waiter brought it over. I asked, "you mean the friends sitting right there (i point) paid my bill?" he said, " I don't know 'mam" (being all cryptic) so i said, "you mean we don't need to pay?" (this wasn't a super cheap lunch either) he FINALLY said, "yes mam." Isaac was just as perplexed and said, "we can walk away and not pay?" the waiter again said, "yes, as you wish"... well... alright then. so we walked away and all the waiters were smiling. Our friends who paid were definately long gone but i said, "thank you" out loud anyway. It was so nice to be treated that way; sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by all the staring and people asking me for money, wanting me to be their friend so I can get them a VISA or something. (not that I can) It was nice have a secret kind act done for us with absolutely no strings attached.

1 comment:

Carolina Foxes said...

Hey Cic,

Neat story! We love reading about your experiences over in Bangladesh - especially seeing pics with your beach-blond hair in a sea of black. To be honest, it sounds dangerous and deeply moving, and I can't wait to chat with you about it in person some day. We're praying for you. Your sister, Liz (and Ben)

P.S. Do you have LJ's email and phone by chance? Maybe we'll be able to meet up this summer.