Sunday, August 27, 2006

Of Tea and Guitars

Tea is a very big deal here in Dhaka. It's sweet, savory and nearly as good as a cup of strong cowboy coffee. This morning we had it during a staff meeting and just now the office assistant brought me a cup, nice and hot. So far today has been lots of meetings and power point presentations--learning who does what at the MCC office and also about some of the development projects they are working on. One big thing is getting safe drinking water, free of arsenic. We listened to Rebecca, who is a bengali woman with a civil engineering degree talk about the different options for treating water as well as dealing with those who have arsenic poisoning already.

I've been craving a creative outlet here. Darren, who is a guitar extrodinair knew that I've been wanting to learn how to play. So today he found a guitar for me to learn! I am so excited and think that this will be a wonderful way to express myself and process and relax. I've been listening to lots of music, and coloring and also doing crosswords. These along with exploring the city last night have proven to be very rich and colorful times of learning and absorbing what is going around me here. I am beginning to realize that I'm not in Kansas anymore. I am in Bangladesh, learning, wondering, exploring, sweating, and loving it.

I am excited for the adventures to come and grateful for the last three days of taking it all in and first experiences of Bangladesh life. The rest of the day is free, which I am excited about. It's going to be so good to not be in structured meetings.

Tomorrow I will get my 3 salwar kameezes from the tailor--you guys would laugh and know that I am in my element with alllllllllllllll the colors and fabric and scarves and bells and maybe even whistles on clothes. I may never wear jeans again. Matching means nothing here and it's all about the contrast. I'll try to post some pictures to give you the full effect later.



Anonymous said...

a) i'm glad you are fulfilling your colorful outfit quotas. please include pictures as soon as possible.
b) good luck with the guitar. i hope you can play some expert music for me next year.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are in Bangladesh! it is just so weird. A month ago we would have breakfast and talk about you packing your scarves and picking up a years supply of contacts. But you are there now. I am missing you on Monday mornings.

Love, Emma

Anonymous said...

The tea is almost as good as a cup of coffee? I wonder if its "worth the choice" then. :) Your host family seems neighborly with the massive cleaning, the guitar lessons harmoniously stimulating, and the arsenic water projects gripping. Looking forward to seeing the pictures- it will be neat to see you and your setting. I love reading your posts.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet you are in heaven with the colorful clothing; I'm excited to see pictures. Glad to hear you had a good time with Em. Bangladesh sounds fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cic!
I just started reading your blog. Wow! I am so jealous that you get to see and buy colourful cloth. That was the best part of Ghana for me. Enjoy the freedom of those...what ar they? Kamezz sharees?

I am working on a letter...

Take care.