Sunday, April 15, 2007

Happy Easter

This picture was taken right after Easter Sunday's service. These girls stay at the orphanage at the Mission. They were saying "Happy Easter, Di Di" to me. (Di Di is a term of respect that younger girls say to women) After the Holy Saturday Service I could feel the excitement in the air. The girls were dancing and singing and kissing eachother on the cheeks, yelling "happy easter" The Sisters permitted the semi chaos, because they, too were happy and celebrating for the entire week. I was glad I stuck around for all the services and spent it with those with whom I share my daily life.
Everyone wanted their portrait taken. She was the most patient and not screaming into my ear, so I took hers.... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sad, all the orphans. They looked happy here, though. Good that you were with them during the