Tuesday, June 05, 2007

People around the Mission

My little friends from the orphanage. I started a mini PE class.... running around and playing games together. They leave today, and it makes me sad...

L to R: Sister Mala, a teacher, Sister Shilpi, and in front, Sister Rosie. These 3 sisters have become good friends.
Sister Rosie with 3 women who work as teacher aids.


Anonymous said...


What a continued wonder to read of your life and adventures. I sense the power of the Holy Spirit richly molding you in that far off world He has taken you to. Your posts, your blogs are as prayers to my heart. I have always admired the missionary life and yet felt God calls only special souls to such work. Thank you for the window you have provided to the journey God has place before you.

At each Mass I offer you are in my intentional prayers. Continued blessings and thanks for your wonderful words about your life and faith.

In HIM who renews all things,

Father John+

Emily said...

Cic...I love that I recognize some of these people. You, and them, are looking beautiful in these pictures.

swtpmarie said...

There is something so infectious about a child's smile... :)

Anonymous said...


Thanks for more photos! We can see into that world...as Fr. John said: "the window you have provided..." We have lifted you up in prayer every morning during devotions---more than that, actually. It's beautiful to see how Our Lord is answering these prayers. Savor and enjoy your last weeks there as you anticipate your return to the USA.

Unknown said...

the picture of you with the kids is great. i love it. you should get it framed and maybe even blown up:)
i love you.