Friday, September 01, 2006

Agriculture galore

This morning I woke up to the whirring of the fans in my room and the feel of the mosquito net. I slept well. This is good. I am still adjusting to the 11 hour time difference and get reaaaally sleepy at 4pm..

We are in Siranjganj checking out their Agricultural program. I am surrounded by books all about Ag development.

Today brings more seeing MCC programs and learning how they connect, how they help people survive and the ways to do this ethically.

It's going to be a hot one.

1 comment:

Mir said...

Cicaroo! I'm so glad to see you've finally posted. This week began the insanity at the seminary so I'm just now getting a chance to read up on things. Love you so much and know that I am praying for you daily. Although I've never been where you are, I can imagine the experiences you're having. Keep soaking it all in:)