Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Reba, cleaning out her closet because cockroaches have decided to take up residence.

a park on the Bramaputra river where I frequently go for walks.
KAKON, We were making "pizza" --it was the strangest pizza I ever had. It contained a sweet sauce, like ketchup, mint leaves, cucumbers(cooked), pickled mushrooms and wet cheeze. mmmm. (I told her it was delicous!) I am continuously telling myself to "adjust your expectations, Cicely :)

Inensity, all day, everyday. Notice the Mosque in the background, the rickshaw traffic jam, the umbrellas--they are smart, they use them for sun protection too. I bought one yesterday.

Mahin, above (pronounced Maheen) wearing his spiderman costume and mimicking my guitar playing. I'm not that much of a rock star though. and I want a spiderman costume.
Learning Bangla is so hard for me! It's like doing story problems all day long. I hate story problems. I nearly cried on Ms Nat today b/c I could not remember anything, despite the fact that we go over the SAME thing everyday. It is super overwhelming sometimes. Then 30 minutes later, I was so excited b/c I understood a minor conversation, and wanted to go study. Bangla and I have a love/hate relationship that is OCD, and probably MPD. Up and Down. Me and everything these days.
Tonight we are baking a cake for my birthday bash, and I am determined to figure out this coffee making jazz. It went better last night, but we didn't roast it long enough, so tonight I am going to try to roast it longer and stir it more. I am also getting some HENNA done by my downstairs neighbor, I am super excited to get all painted up.

well, enjoy the pictures, they took 2 hours do upload! I'm not kidding!


Anonymous said...

Hey Cic,
I decided to do a little research for a fellow addict who I totally empathize with. So hopefully this helps, although I'm not sure it will. Good Luck :) Consider it an early b-day present. Let me know how it goes


Anonymous said...

-Fireworks! The Badeshi’s friends met,
-Planned a birthday she’d never forget.
---But the blasts made a breeze,
---Caught her salwar kameeze,
-Blew her up in the air like a jet!

-Ami tomake bhalobashi,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are almost 25.

swtpmarie said...

Cic, I'm loving your blog. The pictures and word-scapes you paint are lovely. I'm moving to Denver next week! B & M are so surprised and excited as am I. The Portland thing didn't turn out as there were no jobs in that area for cardiac stuff. Just wanted to update you. I miss you but at least get a taste of what you're experiencing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cicely -
You will master that coffee stuff - I used to work next to a place that roasted coffee. Somedays it smelled wonderful, other days it was like burnt toast! I hope you figure it out. I, too, am hooked on the stuff. Emma told me the whole story of the roasting attempts - she got a kick out of it. So did Grandma - I think Aunt Sheri prints off your postings for her.
The pictures are wonderful - I'm glad you took the time to upload them. It gives us all just a small glimpse of your life there.
Right now it is still your birthday here, so Happy Birthday!!
Love, Aunt Pam

Anonymous said...

Hey Cicely,

I sent you a comment the other day and it doesn't look as if you got it, so I hope I'm doing this correctly. We have so enjoyed reading all about your adventures. We have also loved the pictures. Grandma has me print off each of your entries and she gives them to everyone to read:) The other day she wanted to take a picture of your pictures (?) Your "pizza" sounded wonderful!! We are all doing well. Time is going so fast, the fall colors are just beginning. Take care and we love you and are praying for you. A.Sheri

Anonymous said...

Hello, C!
Belated B-day greetings!! Wow..1/4 of a quite a milestone. Have you improved in the coffeemaking venture? I can imagine the aroma. I love coffee, as well!
Mrs. Nat lounds like quite the lady! She must realize there are many ways to absorb another language. (It's called differentialized learning...and is a popular "item" in the world of education these days.) From your writing, you might have to experiment on a learning style that works for you?? Check the term out if you have time..."surfing."
Your dad and I just returned from a 48 mile bike ride. We have a lot to do to train for our upcoming "Hilly Hundred." (biking 100 hilly miles in 2 southern Indiana)
So, where are Darren and Reba from? It's great for you to be able to share this new experience with them. I loved your pictures, and really admire the salwar kameeze! I agree, the colors reflect much beauty...that which could be found in a gem! Margie

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Bangla is so difficult for you...maybe I can give you some private lessons later...