Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bangladesh in the news

Today is a seemingly normal day here in Bangladesh. Horns have resumed their honking after a few days of one political party blocking all the roads going in and out of the cities, stranding travelers everywhere. BBC has some good coverage of what is going on, if you are interested. November 3, Friday, is sort of a day of reckoning; the AL party has made demands of the caretaker president and these demands must be met or more blockades, hartels (strikes), and violence could errupt. These are unusual days; I am fine, get regular updates from MCC local staff about what I should and should not do etc etc. (((( don't worry about me.))))

Hopefully I will move to the Mission on Saturday, get settled in, meet all the sisters and the children. This may or may not happen, depending on the political situation. I am both excited to move and have a change of pace, and also not looking forward to the transition. But I do know that lots of adventures and very cute and curious children await me at the mission. I won't actually start my teaching job until I've been hanging around the mission for a week, giving me some time to adjust, observe their schedule, let them get used to me etc etc. I hear that my room is ready and they are eager for me to come. That's as as good of a sign as any I guess.

Today I did a bit of block painting; I am excited to do more; I've also decided to buy a better guitar here. Let's be honest, the one we found here sucks. big time. So, maybe this week I will be able to get a new one. (and by the way everyone here has "GIVESONS" ...definately not Gibsons!) hahha. There are so many funny ironic signs and brands here...someday maybe I will create a list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Cicely!

Oh, the short stay in the Sundarbans must have been just like you were living in a dream!

The pics were great!
Did you choose to print your fabric yet? Will you make your own stamp?

The people there have nothing to loose...with so much poverty and corruption around. YOur heart aches for them, and this is good.

Take in as much of the culture as possible.....Pictures do not do it justice...but will be there as a reminder of the things you have seen. ....and last much longer than a year, of that you can be assured!

Singing....I loved the story about your efforts to harmonize...sweet the heavens!!!I know it must be probably this week that your teaching starts. I'm anxious to hear how the first week goes!!
Til then,
Your dad and I will keep you in our prayers,
